The teaching cards – up-to-date and bearing an Imprimatur.
160 Cards with the original illustration on front of 4″ x 6″ card (printed on 120 lb cardstock) and comprehensive definition of topic on reverse side. (Many topics have an ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section for older students and adults – for all who want to know more!)
Absolution 1-1
Abstinence 2-1
Adam and Eve 3-1
Advent 4-1
Advent Wreath 5-1
Alb 6-1
All Saints’ Day 7-1
All Souls’ Day 8-1
Altar (Extraordinary Form of Mass) 9-1
Altar (Ordinary Form of Mass) 10-1
AMDG 11-1
Amen 12-1
Angel 13-1
Anointing 14-1
Anointing of the Sick 15-1
Apostles 16-1
Apostles’ Creed 17-1
Ascension of
Jesus Christ 18-1
Ash Wednesday 19-1
Ashes 20-1
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 21-1
Baptism 22-1
Baptismal Font 23-1
Baptismal Promises 24-1
Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament 25-1
Bishop/Archbishop 26-1
Blessing 27-1
Brother 28-1
Candidate 29-1
Canonization 30-1
Capital/Deadly Sins 31-1
Catechumen 32-1
Cathedral 33-1
Catholic 34-1
Celebrant 35-1
Celibacy 36-1
Chalice 37-1
Chastity 38-1
Chasuble 39-1
Chrism 40-1
Christmas 41-1
Church Year 42-1
Ciborium 43-1
Commandments (Greatest) 44-1
Commandments of God 45-1
Communion (First Holy Communion) 46-1
Conclave 47-1
Confirmation 48-1
Confirmation Name 49-1
Conscience 50-1
Conscience (Examination of) 51-1
Consecration 52-1
Contrition 53-1
Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 54-1
Corporal 55-1
Covenant 56-1
Creation 57-1
Creator 58-1
Creche 59-1
Creed 60-1
Cross 61-1
Crucifix 62-1
Crucifixion 63-1
Cruets 64-1
Deacon (Permanent) 65-1
Easter 66-1
Easter Duty 67-1
Easter Water 68-1
Emmanuel 69-1
Epiphany 70-1
Eucharist (Holy Communion) 71-1
Eucharist (Holy Sacrifice of the Mass) 72-1
Eucharistic Fast 73-1
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 74-1
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist 75-1
Fast/Fasting 76-1
Fatima, Portugal (Apparitions) 77-1
Garden of Eden 78-1
Gaudete Sunday 79-1
Genuflection 80-1
Good Friday 81-1
Grace 82-1
Guadalupe, Mexico (Apparitions) 83-1
Guardian Angel 84-1
Hail Mary 85-1
Hell 86-1
Holy Days of Obligation 87-1
Holy Orders 88-1
Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost 89-1
Holy Thursday 90-1
Holy Water 91-1
Holy Water Font 92-1
Holy Week 93-1
Idol/Idolatry 94-1
Immaculate Conception 95-1
Immortality of the Soul 96-1
Incarnation 97-1
Incense 98-1
JMJ 99-1
Laetare Sunday 100-1
Lectionary 101-1
Lent 102-1
Lie 103-1
Liturgical Colors: Black 104-1
Liturgical Colors: Green 105-1
Liturgical Colors: Purple 106-1
Liturgical Colors: Red 107-1
Liturgical Colors: Rose 108-1
Liturgical Colors: White 109-1
Liturgy 110-1
Magi 111-1
Martyr 112-1
Mary, Mother of God, Solemnity of (Feast) 113-1
Mass (Holy Sacrifice of the Mass) 114-1
Matrimony/Marriage 115-1
Miter 116-1
Monstrance 117-1
Morning Offering 118-1
Mortal Sin 119-1
Nun/Sister 120-1
Ordinary Time 121-1
Original Sin 122-1
Our Father 123-1
Pall 124-1
Paschal Candle 125-1
Passover 126-1
Paten 127-1
Pope/Holy Father 128-1
Priest/Priesthood 129-1
Purgatory 130-1
Purificator 131-1
Pyx 132-1
Reconciliation/Penance/Confession 133-1
Resurrection of the Body 134-1
Rite 135-1
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.)136-1
Roman Missal 137-1
Rosary 138-1
Sacrament 139-1
Sacramental 140-1
Sacraments of Initiation 141-1
Sacrifice 142-1
Seal of Confession 143-1
Sign of the Cross 144-1
Soul 145-1
Sponsor 146-1
Stewardship 147-1
Stole 148-1
Tabernacle 149-1
Thurible/Censer 150-1
Transubstantiation 151-1
Triduum (Easter Triduum; Paschal Triduum) 152-1
Trinity (Blessed Trinity; Holy Trinity) 153-1
Venial Sin 154-1
Vestments 155-1
Vigil (Eve) 156-1
Vocation 157-1
Vow 158-1
Wine 159-1
Witness 160-1